River Woman Joined at the Heart


River Woman Joined at the Heart Cover

River Woman was born Fannie, daughter of Esi and Kofi, Fante captured in West Africa. She is the fictional sister of the author's 4th Great Grandmother, Sarah. Both women were runaway slaves. Instead of remaining in an abusive marriage, the woman who was to become River Woman relocated to the west. Through a series of adventures, she became wife to the Bannock war chief, Swift Eagle.

The book finds her fighting for their romance. The two also strive to maintain the integrity of their family, as white encroachment threatens. During a fateful winter, she travels with her husband, children, and in-laws to Comancheria where the frontier dangers are even more pronounced. The Comanche are making a valiant stand against the encroachment of both Texans and Mexicans. When River Woman's and Swift Eagle's son is kidnapped, she enlists the services of the iconic Sacajawea, who had led Meriwether Lewis and William Clark all the way to the Pacific.

River Woman is designed to be read as a stand-alone. It also builds upon the story line from Sarah’s SongOut of the Shadow of DarknessThe Courtship of Queens, and The Cloud’s Whisper, the first four books in the Esi Was My Mother series.

Click here to purchase a Kindle edition of River Woman Joined at the Heart from Amazon